Puja Bhakoo
2 min readFeb 11, 2023

We’ve all had our share of buffet breakfasts

Hotel guests get it free

Visitors, for a modest fee

You’re ushered into

an unabashed wonderland

of sheer gluttony


Unhindered access to

every conceivable goodie

temporarily, but un-arbitrarily

granted to thee


And your time starts now


Luscious rows of cold cuts

Supple racks of sushi

Seductive mounds of iceberg

Forests of broccoli

Lay there in aromatic splendour

And beckon enticingly


The extravaganza unleashes

a sleeping giant

in a gastronomic jiffy

Stripping your usual propensity

to count each calorie


You morph asudden

to an absolute glutton,

Off on a wild ‘eat-like-

there’s-no-tomorrow’ spree

– a far cry from the suave,

discerning gourmand

your ‘pre-buffet’ avatar used to be


Keeping no holds barred

Giving all stops a pull

The buffet’s now a China shop

And you? A famished bull


Picking everything

you confront,

Piling all that you see

Your plate turns into

a gooey version

of the Caspian Sea


Snooty salmons

and haughty cheese

Rub shoulders

with. lowly peas

Donuts, meat sauce

share conjugal bliss

Secularism sandwiched

in zero prejudice


Chocolate pudding

finds home

on the salad bar,

Butter chicken tangoes

with aam ka achaar


Crunchy egg rolls

buried under

meat ball debris

You pig on … undeterred,

in karmic glee


Dumping table manners

Divorcing social finesse

Doped on carb comfort

– orgies of excess


The orgy is finally over

Gone the tantalising aroma

You now feel like a slob

Your tummy is in coma


In a bid to out-eat

the spent of money

You’ve flung your metabolism

in a goo of gluttony


Your tummy screams

with vocal cords of a bovine

Cramping on

a richter scale 7–9


Doomed to the tyranny

of belly blockade

Your holiday slips by

sipping antacids, lemonade


Never ever again

you firmly resolve

… cursing. your

current colonic jeopardy

And then you go

on another holiday

And then another buffet breakfast

happens to thee

– Puja Bhakoo

#pujabhakoo #myartmypoem #funnypost #funnypoem #buffet #buffetbteakfast #poem #poemoftheday



Puja Bhakoo
Puja Bhakoo

Written by Puja Bhakoo

Author, creative writer, ad professional, poet & acclaimed tapestry artist Puja Bhakoo enjoys dipping her pen into every political, social, and spiritual pie.

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