The Afghan Girl
She’s given eyes
but denied sight
granted birth
sans birthright
She owns a tongue
but no voice or say
she exudes potential
yet denied her way
Robbed of self-worth
clueless she stands
her body’s custody
in patriarchy’s hands
Her lungs smothered
by filial control
her future smudged
to a deep dark hole
Where one gender
ruthlessly predates another
such amputated nations
get stunted further
Even caged animals
abducted from the wild
command greater dignity than
the Afghan girl child
– Puja Bhakoo
Featured Tapestry: SHARBAT GULA
Year of Creation: 2012–13
Medium: Petit Point/Needle Point Embroidery
Size: 58”x35”
Source of Inspiration: Sharbat Gula, the Afghan girl who appeared on the cover of National Geographic Magazine in 1985
Note: No graph or stencil has been used in the creation of this tapestry
50% proceeds from the sale of Puja Bhakoo Handcrafted Tapestries are used for the rehabilitation of underprivileged children.
So every time you choose to upgrade your interiors, you also upgrade the life of an underprivileged child.
#myartmypoem #pujabhakoo #tapestryforcharity #NeedlePoint #PetitPoint #tapestries