How can Self-quarantine be Wrong?
The trees are a
deeper hue of green
Complicated lives
Decrypted clean
The grass is a
Brighter shade of lush
Life devoid of
maddening rush
The waters are
a crystal blue
Uncluttered minds
Replenished anew
The birds hum
a happy song
Reclaiming lost skies
Where they belong
Stars sparkle
With unknown sheen
Clouds milkier than
ever been
Pollution wiped
Off Innocent skies
False pride
from egoistical eyes
So much going right
for mother nature
Reinstated partly
To original stature
Shorn of consumeristic
malls and pubs
And parlour-fuelled
vanity rubs
Refurbished senses
Clearer goals
Mall rats transformed
Into inspired souls
Insulated from all
the plastic glitter
Mankind becomes
mentally fitter
Learning new minimalistic
ways of being
Not merely looking
But really seeing
Shunning all crutches
of modern din
Finding a stronger self
Hope shines through
unsealed blinds
Cobwebs cleared
From overworked minds
Recalibrated life
Recalibrated time
Emeralds dusted
Of emotional grime
Spring-cleaned minds
Stripped of the mesh
Raring to venture out
Amidst some disorder
Tiffs and tears
There’s also love
camaraderie and cheers
Hardships may last
perhaps a bit longer
But cleansed of excesses
We’ll come out stronger
Studded with optimism
values and honour
A better world
Is round the corner
Rising from ashes
Defeating the sceptic
We’ll build a new world
Brick by brick
— Puja Bhakoo
More on Covid-19 by Puja Bhakoo:
Poetry & Covid: Chalk and Cheese?!!
How can self-quarantine be wrong?